Foreign Investment Board

Palau's primary foreign investment resource.

New Investor Resources

Before you submit a FIAC application:
  1. Reserve a proposed business name with the Corporate Registrar at the Office of the Attorney General.
  2. Pay the registration fee to the Bureau of the Treasury and register the proposed company with the Corporate Registrar.
  3. Identify a location and conclude a provisional agreement with the landowner(s) or landlord(s), including title search and clearances, and zoning approvals (if necessary).

Note: Relevant corporate documents such as Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Stock Affidavits may be required for §6 of your FIAC Application.

Office of the Attornery General Additional Steps for Investors

Prepare your FIAC application:

Upon completion of the above steps, please refer to the Official Submission Guidelines for submitting a FIAC. An investor should review this document alongside the FIAC Application. Be sure to take note of the following information:

Reserved Businesses: Some business activities are reserved exclusively for Palauan citizens, while some activities require partial local ownership (no minimum). Refer to the last page of the Official Submission Guidelines to learn more.
Application Fee: A non-refundable filing fee is required prior to your physical submission; $2,500 for a hotel or other short term lodging facility, or $500 for all other businesses.

Official Submission Guidelines FIAC Application

Steps to submit an application:
  1. Use the online Submission Portal to submit a filing. Refer to the Submission Format below for additional instructions.
    • Here, applicants will be required to submit the FIAC Application along with PDF attachments corresponding to different sections of the application itself.

  2. Deliver your application fee to the FIB Office, along with one hard copy of your submission.
    • If an application is incomplete, the applicant will be prompted to resubmit their application digitally or provide additional documents in hard copy.

  3. Deliver 8 additional copies of your original submission to the FIB.
    • Typically, the applicant will be receive a phonecall prompting them to do so.

If an investor needs to submit additional attachments with a FIAC Application, they may do so by uploading to sections 2-8 of the Submission Portal (listed below). If an attachment is made, a note referencing the attachment's page should be added to the corresponding section of the FIAC Application. If an upload encompasses multiple form sections (ie. ยง6-7), submit the sections in order and as one PDF.

Please prepare all sections as separate PDF documents.

  1. FIAC Application, Required
  2. Commercial Documents (§6 and 7)
  3. Business Profiles (§8 and 9), Required
  4. Affiliated Enterprises (§10, 11, and 12)
  5. Proof of Financial Responsibility (§13), Required
    • Insurance companies should append their annual statement and certificate to this section.
    • Do not attach your Financial Statement (§13 d) i.) here. Instead, upload it to the following section.
  6. Financial Statement (§13 d) i.), Required
  7. Business Proposal (§14), Required
  8. One optional attachment (§15)