Foreign Investment Board

Palau's primary foreign investment resource.

Quarterly Report Submission

Please use the prompts below to submit a Quarterly Report. View instructions here.

Keep the following in mind as you assemble your Report:

  • Please format your attachments to include page numbers. You should reference a particular attachment's page number in a short note on the corresponding section of the Quarterly Report Form.
  • Your submission requires a reasonable quality photo attachment for ยง3 of the Quarterly Report Form. Provide location details (ie. lot #, hamlet, state) directly on the attached document.

Attach addendums for the following sections where needed. Only the sections marked as (Required) are necessary to submit a report.

1. Attach your Quarterly Report Form (Required)

2. Attach the Physical Location section of your application (§3 of the QR Form)
  • Provide a reasonable quality image of your location, as well as information such as lot #, hamlet, and state, directly in this attachment.

3. Attach the License section (§7)

4. Attach the Current Employee section (§8)
  • Please follow the format of the table in §8 of the Quarterly Report form.

5. Attach the Employee Program section (§9)

6. Attach the Tax Information sections (§10-14)

7. Attach the Corporate Update & Loan sections (§15-17)

8. Attach an optional attachment for the FIB to review